Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.8, 2022_Latest Journals_《中国文艺评论》_中国评协_中国文艺评论网

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Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.8, 2022

Special Planning•Traditional Culture in the Digital Age

4 The Dissemination of Webcast and Traditional Culture and Art/ ZHANG Yiwu

13 A Study on the Significance of Industrial Utilization and Development Model of Intangible Cultural Heritage/ HUANG Yonglin

27 The Digital Roadmap and Its Future Development Logic of Intangible Cultural Heritage/ QUAN Xi

39 Dispersal and Reunion: The Dissemination of Chinese Traditional Culture in Webcast Field/ OUYANG Mengtao

New Discoveries in Art History

47 Leonardo Da Vinci,World Map and China/ LI Jun

Theoretical Explorations

66 Expanding and Innovating Aesthetics and Shaping Subject and Object Mutually: A Review of WANG Zhaowen's Research Achievements in Aesthetics/ LI Changju

81 From "Representation" to "Embodiment": On Media Transformation of Time Consciousness in Contemporary Art/ JIN Yingcun

Critical Analysis

94 From Ten Stories at Night to A Sequel to Stories at Night: The Narrative Characteristics and Value in the Literary History of "New Idle Talk"/ AI Lian & YUE Yanling

Preface, Postscript and Book Review

105 Light Comedies of Metropolitan Culture: A Preface to Pleasure in Wisdom/ MAO Shian

Exclusive Interview

114 The Eternal Song of Youth: An Interview with the Film Artist XIE Fang/ Interviewed by TIAN Yuan

Inside Front Cover

Chinese Literary Critics: XIANG Yunju

Inside Back Cover

Review of Members of China Literature and Art Critics Association: Yunnan Literature and Art Critics Association

Back Cover

The Poster of the First National Seminar on Emerging Power of Literary Criticism

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