Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.9, 2022_Latest Journals_《中国文艺评论》_中国评协_中国文艺评论网

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Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.9, 2022

Special Planning•New Observations of Ethnic Literature and Art

4 The Time Spirit and Responsibility of Ethnic Literature and Art Criticism/ JIN Yongbing

16 The Construction of a Community of a Shared Future for Nation by "Chineseness": New Observations of the Creation of Current Films Themed on Ethnic Minorities/ ZHAO Weifang

26 MAO Dun's Literary and Artistic Activities in Xinjiang and Their Enlightenment on Contemporary Ethnic Literature and Art Criticism/ ZOU Zan

40 The Essence of Life and Time Spirit: On Thematic Art Creation Themed on Grassland/ WANG Hongwei

Theoretical Explorations

50 Yixiang and image, object image and artistic conception: The Semantic Discrimination of Several Important Categories in the Interpretation of "Imagery"/ MAO Xuanguo

62 Freedom and Limitation in the Interpretation of Image from the Perspective of Hermeneutics: On the Basis of Gombrich's Illusionism on Image / PENG Zhi

Art Discussions

76 Casting a Glorious Historical Picture Scroll: Highlights, Features and Evaluations of Thematic Art Creation Since the New Era/ XIA Yanjing

88 Three Basic Dimensions in the Construction of Network Literary Criticism/ PENG Kuan

97 The Rethinking of Theoretical Origin and Practical Basis of Chinese Film Industry Aesthetics/ YUAN Yimin

Critical Analysis

107 The Cruel Refinement of Beauty: What I Have Seen and Thought in Drama Protagonist/ FU Jin

Exclusive Interview

114 The Importance of Innovation and Preciousness of Breakthrough: An Interview with the Literary Theorist and Aesthetician DU Shuying/ Interviewed by ZHAN Aibin

Inside Front Cover

Chinese Literary Critics: ZHANG Dexiang

Inside Back Cover

Review of Members of China Literature and Art Critics Association: Xizang Literature and Art Critics Association

Back Cover

The Poster of Chinese Network Literary Criticism Forum (in Hangzhou) of the Third Collection of Excellent Works on Network Literary Criticism

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