Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.7, 2022_Latest Journals_《中国文艺评论》_中国评协_中国文艺评论网

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Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.7, 2022

Special Planning•Chinese Aesthetic Education from a Multiple Perspectives

4 Returning to Aesthetics and Restarting Aesthetic Education/ LIU Chengji

12 Activating the Vitality of Chinese Culture by Excellent Traditional Chinese Aesthetic Education/ SONG Xiujian

22 Art History as Guidance for Knowledge in Aesthetic Education/ LIU Yi

Theoretical Explorations

33 On Foucault's Interpretation of Las Meninas/ LU Yang

43 "Qing Kong" Theoretical Paradigm in Qing Dynasty Poetics/ CHENG Jingmu

Art Discussions

54 Scenery Metaphor and Backbone Consciousness: The Cultural Paths and Transformation Logics for the Development of the Landscape Paintings in the Era of People's Republic of China/ DUAN Yundong

66 The Expression Extension and Aesthetic Renewal of "Affinity to the People" in New Mainstream Films/ HUANG Zhongjun

77 The Subject Consciousness and Path Innovation in Calligraphy: Taking XU Wei and DONG Qichang as Examples/ LI Shuaiwen

87 Collage and Remodeling: My Views on Lyrics Creation of Ancient Songs from the Perspective of Culture/ WU Yue

Creation Discussions

95 ZHANG Manjun: Good Wind by Virtue of Force: Practicing Modern Synthesis on Opera Stage/ Interviewed by ZHANG Zhiwei

Preface, Postscript and Book Review

108 The Contemporary Significance of "Art" Concept and Studies on History of the System of Western Arts: My Views on SUN Xiaoxia's History of the System of Western Arts: From Classical Greece to the Eighteenth Century/ YIN Dehui

Exclusive Interview

116 Witnessing Ploughing and Weeding in Spring and Autumn: An Interview with the Quyi Artist LUO Yang/ Interviewed by ZHANG Xiaowei

Inside Front Cover

Chinese Literary Critics: FU Jin

Inside Back Cover

Review of Members of China Literature and Art Critics Association: Guizhou Literature and Art Critics Association

Back Cover

The Recommendation of New Books: Annual Report on Art Development of China in 2021

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