Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.6, 2022_Latest Journals_《中国文艺评论》_中国评协_中国文艺评论网

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Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.6, 2022

Special Feature

4 Taking the Development Path of Literature and Art in the New Journey in the New Era/ LI Yi

Special Planning•The Development Path of Chinese Literature and Art Led by the Communist Party: In Memory of the 80th Anniversary of Talks Addressed by MAO Zedong

13 New Chapter for the Sinicization of Marxist Literary Theory Criticism/ XIA Chao

17 A Beacon Illuminating for Eighty Years, the Return to Originality and Opening up a New Literary Spirit/ ZHONG Chengxiang&HE Chuhan

25 On the Generation and Development of MAO Zedong's Literary Thought and Its Impact on Chinese Literary Theory/ ZENG Fanren

38 Opening up the Development Path of Chinese Revolutionary Literature and Art/ DONG Xuewen

48 A New Day Breaking When a Rooster Sings Loudly: In Memory of the 80th Anniversary of Talks in Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art Addressed by MAO Zedong/ AN Kui

59 The Modern Creation and Construction Path of the Development of Folk Literature and Art: The Theoretical and Practical Orientation of Two Forums on Literature and Art/ PAN Lusheng

68 The Eighty-Year Changes of Typical Paradigms in Modern Chinese Literature and Art: From Cognitive Typicality to Cognitive Retrogressive Typicality/ WANG Yichuan

81 The Centennial Path of Literature and Art and Two Striking Guideposts/ DENG Kai

95 Basic Principles of Music Criticism: My Understanding of Learning Two Talks/ WANG Cizhao

104 The Historical Expansion of the Development Path of Chinese Literature and Art/ LU Kan

115 Literature and Art • the Masses • the Era: In Memory of the 80th Anniversary of Talks in Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art Addressed by MAO Zedong/ CHEN Chiyu

125 The Pattern and Way of Chinese School in Literary Discourse/ ZHANG Qingmin

138 A New Understanding of the Problem of "Literature and Art For Whom"/ DING Guoqi

Inside Front Cover, Inside Back Cover, Back Cover

The Theoretical Seminar in Memory of the 80th Anniversary of Talks in Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art Addressed by MAO Zedong Convened in Beijing

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