Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.5, 2022_Latest Journals_《中国文艺评论》_中国评协_中国文艺评论网

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Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.5, 2022

Special Planning•The Literary Path to the Integration of Marxism and Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture (part Ⅱ)

4 National Form • Critical Inheritance • Transformation and Innovation: The Integrative Historical Process of Marxist Literary Theory and Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture/ TAN Haozhe

18 The Premise and Theme of Sticking to "The Two Combinations" in Promoting the Prosperity of Literature and Art/ HU Daping

28 Theoretical Characteristic of Chinese Aesthetic Modernity: The Artistic Innovation of Combining Marxism with Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture/ WANG Jie

39 The Important Proposition of the Integration of Chinese Aesthetic Spirit and Contemporary Aesthetic Pursuit/ ZHANG Jing & XIE Yinghua

Theoretical Explorations

50 Tool, Prop and Proprop: On the Technological Profile and Innovative Potential of AI Art/ ZHU Rui

Critical Analysis

62 Cultural Rationality and Chaoshan Spirit: A Review of Cultural Writing Strategies in Novel Ping'an Pi/ JIANG Shuzhuo

Art Discussions

71 Community Aesthetics in "Anthology Film": Taking "A Trilogy on National Day" as an Example/ ZHANG Jingwu & FAN Chenqi

85 An Analysis of Musical Aesthetics in Domestic Suspense Films in the New Century/ CHEN Qian

Preface, Postscript and Book Review

94 Preface to The Scroll of Chinese Immortals: Giving Contemporary Meaning to the Legend of the Immortals/ YUE Yongyi

Figure Studies

106 Being a Scholar, Also Being a Soldier: The Literary Theorist CHENG Daixi that I Interact with/ LIU Wenbin

Exclusive Interview

114 Happiness in the Appreciation of Music by Everyone Being Better than by Oneself: An Interview with the Conductor ZHENG Xiaoying/ Interviewed by YU Yafei

Inside Front Cover

Chinese Literary Critics: LI Deshun

Inside Back Cover

Review of Members of China Literature and Art Critics Association: Hainan Literature and Art Critics Association

Back Cover

The Introduction to Excellent Works in the Annual Recommendation of the Excellent in the Sixth "Woodpecker Cup" of Chinese Literature and Art Criticism: Four Japanese Aestheticians

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