Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.11, 2022_Latest Journals_《中国文艺评论》_中国评协_中国文艺评论网

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Contents, China Literature & Art Criticism, NO.11, 2022

Special Planning • Chinese Literature and Art and Literary Criticism Going to the World

4 The Reception and Dissemination of Contemporary Chinese Literary and Art Criticism in the English-Speaking Academia/ WANG Ning

16 The China Question of Western Theory: Conversations in International Academic Communities/ LIU Kang

26 Re-Studying "Chinese experience": A Theoretical Thinking of the Overseas Development of Chinese Contemporary Poetry/ CAO Li

36 Chinese Contemporary Novels in France: Translation and Acceptance Under the Guidance of "Sinology"/ ZHANG Xun

Theoretical Explorations

47 The Brand-New Expansion of Contemporary Chinese Marxist Literary Theory/ WEI Yi

62 The Construction of Conceptual Art Ontology: An Investigation Focused on Lewitt's and Kosuth's Conceptualism Discourse/ ZHANG Qiao

Art Discussions

77 On Properties of Aesthetic Education in Cultural Creative Practice/ WANG Wenge

90 An Analysis of the Necessity of Integrating Art Criticism into Aesthetic Education/ LI Lei

New Discoveries in Art History

100 An Analysis of Lyrics of Chinese University Anthems and National Form Construction/ LIANG Zhenhua & ZHANG Xi

Exclusive Interview

112 A Clear Sense of Right and Wrong and an Ardent Love and Hatred: An Interview with the Literary Critic ZHENG Bonong/ Interviewed by XU Ying

Inside Front Cover

The Opening of the Enlarged Conference on Learning and Implementing the 20th CPC National Congress Spirit by the Presidium of China Literature and Art Critics Association in Beijing

Inside Back Cover 

Review of Members of China Literature and Art Critics Association: Qinghai Literature and Art Critics Association

Back Cover

The Introduction to Annual Excellent Works in the Sixth "Woodpecker Cup" of Chinese Literature and Art Criticism: From "Vision" to "Perception": Photography, the Ultimate Aim is to Solve One's Own Problems

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